Szlak Architektury Drewnianej
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Szlak Architektury Drewnianej
Szlak Historycznych Receptur


Orthodox Church of the Meeting of the Lord. (formerly the Greek Catholic Tserkva of the same name)

The first mention of the Orthodox church dates back to 1429. The current tserkva was built in 1837 as a Greek Catholic church. It was completely renovated after damage from World War I and World War II. After the displacement of local Ukrainians in 1946-1947, it was abandoned and closed by government decision. For a short period it served as a church. After returning from displacement, an Orthodox parish (Polish Autocephalous Orthodox Church) was established through the efforts of residents in 1958-1961. In 2018-2019, a major renovation was carried out with the restoration of the stone wall around the temple.

Inside, there is ornamental and figural polychrome on the walls and ceilings. Iconostasis from the mid-19th century is richly carved. Ceiling beams and reinforcements secured with decorative struts add variety to the nave's design.

The building is of log structure, bipartite with an internally separated women’s section, oriented. A two-story tower of the post-and-frame structure, topped with an onion-shaped cupola, was added to the front of the body. There are two vestries adjacent to the chancel. The mass of the temple is compact with walls of equal height, boarded. Gabled roof with a common ridge is topped over the nave and chancel with steeples.

Architecturally, the building is an example of the Latin influences on the Orthodox church style.

Next to the Orthodox church, there is a detached two-story belfry that was built tin our times.


Szlak Architektury Drewnianej Szlak Architektury Drewnianej Szlak Architektury Drewnianej

This website has been modernized with the financial support of the European Union under the Cross-Border Cooperation Programme Poland-Belarus-Ukraine 2014-2020. The responsibility for its content lies solely with the Podkarpackie Regional Tourism Board and cannot, in any case, be treated as a reflection of the position of the European Union, the Managing Authority, or the Joint Technical Secretariat of the Cross-Border Cooperation Programme Poland-Belarus-Ukraine 2014-2020.